Corporate Citizenship Activities

We aim to harmoniously coexist with society by striving to engage in corporate citizenship activities in all areas where we conduct business.

Connections between Employees and Local Communities Independent Activities of Employees(Japan)

Since the founding of the DENSO Group HEARTFUL Club in 1998, nearly 18,000 of our employees have registered as volunteers. In addition, our employees have formed various volunteer groups on their own initiative to conduct activities under a wide range of themes. These kinds of efforts have helped to expand our volunteer network.


With the DENSO Group HEARTFUL Friends program, employees who actively engage in volunteer activities create plans for contributing to local communities while collaborating with local NPOs and other organizations.

DENSO Group Hula Dancers

As a means of offering hope for recovery in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and offering support from Aichi Prefecture, female employees voluntarily created the DENSO Group Hula Dancers. In addition to spreading joy through hula dance performances, the group raises money and promotes the sale of products from the Tohoku region at various events to help people maintain an awareness of the issues faced in disaster-stricken areas.

DENSO Group Yujin

DENSO Group Yujin is a team that brings together employees from across the country to participate in Yosakoi dancing and volunteer activities. This team holds various events inside and outside the Company with the aim of using passionate dance performances to bring happiness to the daily lives of people.

DENSO Group Safety Team

The DENSO Group Safety Team, which comprises employee volunteers, promotes traffic safety through various activities, including serving as crossing guards for schoolchildren and participating in traffic safety events together with police officers. In doing so, the team aims to raise awareness of traffic safety.

DENSO Pro Bono Program

Leveraging the skills and experience that DENSO employees have cultivated through their daily work, the DENSO Pro Bono Program conducts pro bono activities that support organizations that undertake efforts for public benefit.

What is Pro Bono?

Pro bono is a term that originates from the Latin pro bono publico, which means “for the public good.”

Under the DENSO Pro Bono Program, employee volunteers offer the skills and knowledge they have gained through their daily work to assist NPOs and other organizations that pursue causes for social and public benefit. Every three to six months employees conduct pro bono activities, and the special aspect about these activities is that they not only provide support for NPOs and other organizations, they also leave behind results that can continue to offer social and public benefit.

DENSO also provides aid to organizations that have received pro bono assistance from the Company through the DENSO Group HEARTFUL Fund. In this way, DENSO offers support through pro bono activities and donations.