Corporate Citizenship Activities

We aim to harmoniously coexist with society by striving to engage in corporate citizenship activities in all areas where we conduct business.

Systems to Support Employee Activities and Local Communities Support system(Japan)

We support employees who actively participate in volunteer activities through fund systems, point systems, and various other efforts. We also have in place systems for giving back to local communities.


The DENSO Group HEARTFUL Fund is a system in which money is collected through the automatic deduction of \100 from the salaries of participating employees. This money is used in various ways, including donations to local organizations, funding the planned volunteer activities of employees, and providing relief to disaster-stricken areas.

Matching Gift System

The Matching Gift System is a system in which DENSO matches donations voluntarily made by employees individually or as a group. This system is only applicable if such donations are made to external public interest entities that DENSO deems appropriate to support.

Compassionate Point System

The Compassionate Point System grants points to employees according to their volunteer activities. Accumulated points can be exchanged for various products made in local communities and areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake or used to make donations to these areas. In doing so, the point system acts as a framework for sharing happiness between our employees and local communities.


HEARTFUL Menu is a system in which \10 is automatically deducted from an employee’s salary and donated to the DENSO Group HEARTFUL Fund every time an employee purchases a meal from the designated HEARTFUL Menu, which is offered at Companywide cafeterias twice a week. The money raised through this system is donated to support the education of orphans in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Collection Activities

We promote 10 kinds of collection activities, such as collecting used PET bottle caps, for employees who wish to participate in volunteer activities but are busy with work obligations. In addition, Bellmark stamps collected by employees through these activities are donated to elementary schools in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. These stamps help these schools purchase school supplies.

Volunteer Awards

We offer awards to employees who have contributed to local communities through volunteer activities. These awards help encourage employees to participate in social contribution activities. We choose recipients for two awards: the “Best HEARTFUL Award” and the “President’s Award,” which recognize employees who have continued to engage in volunteer activities and contributed to local communities. These awards are bestowed upon recipients at an in-house awards ceremony.

Provision of Information on Volunteer Activities

Since 1998, we have been providing information on volunteer activities to employees utilizing our volunteer information database. In 2003, we launched "Smile You Net" , a website with volunteer information, together with nine companies of the Toyota Group. This website aims to encourage and support the volunteer activities of employees.