DENSO in India
DENSO in India
Building India as world class automotive manufacturing hub, DENSO started it’s operation in India more than
30 years back in 1986, Meeting local needs of India through our six group companies operating to develop
and manufacture the products best suited for Indian market with a skilled team of over 4,000 associates.
We value the DENSO tradition of Monozukuri as we pursue new value and craft the core of better future.
DENSO’s 7th Global Research & Development Centre
Exploring potential new products for OEMs & aftermarket
Aiming to support Local & Global Technological Development Activities through highly skilled Indian talent, this multi-utility Research & Development center is promoting the best Research & Development of automotive technologies primarily focused on Environment, Safety and Convenience, to support our OE Customers especially for Indian terrain & weather conditions.We have a promising and strongly networked global team exploring future research with a focus on software development for global expansion possibilities.
Crafting the Future – With our own Hands and Heart
Every part is crafted with skill and care to achieve High Quality
Monozukuri is what we call ‘Art of Making things’. DENSO is creating a success story in India by a unique combination of Japanese craftsmanship combined with Indian skill towards “Crafting” with care every small part. There is persistent focus on maintaining Quality standards - synonymous with DENSO name, to contribute a “Global product” with the “ Make in India” concept through a young and diverse talent with the power of Tenacity to contribute it’s realization.
DENSO’s Sustainability Management in India
Creating New Value through Our Business Activities
To contribute to a better world, DENSO will provide solutions to social issues through its business activities, thus delivering new value to society.
DENSO is contributing to Sustainability through our environment-friendly components and “Blue Sky” for India is just a dream by reducing CO2 emissions, to support the young Indian’s bright future by contributing to a Safer, Cleaner environment and providing a comfortable ride.
DENSO CSR in India
Our Community and Social support activities are driven by our Global and Regional CSR Policies as well as applicable compliances. Our Team Members take great initiative for volunteer work aimed towards upliftment of Underprivilged and also Environment Awareness for Youth.
A trustworthy global company in harmony with society
DENSO promotes corporate activities that are based on the vision defined in our long term management Corporate Philosophy and Policy LTP 2020 , which envisages the building of a “Green & Clean” community, a “Safe and Sustainable” society.
CSR Policy for India
Policy on Corporate Social Responsibility
We, DENSO Group of Companies in India , Engaged in Manufacturing, Research & Development , Sales and Marketing of Automotive technology, systems and components are committed to working towards “Building a Better Future” thru :
Actively contributing to the Sustainable development of Society through sincere business activities
& Promoting philanthropic activities that cater to the harmony & well-being of neighbouring Community by :
Honouring the Culture & History of local region Aiming ‘Long Term Benefit’ focusing :
Education & Healthy Growth Environment for Youth & Children
Striking balance with Environment in Developing Technology & Operating Facilities , proactively seeking : Environmental protection & sustainability
Actively supporting Weaker section and rural society :
Empowering Women
Support to Old Age & Underprivileged
Promoting Health care
Consideration for Life by Encouraging Security & Safety in the Community to provide a promising future.
DENSO International India Pvt. Ltd.
DENSO India Pvt. Ltd.
DENSO Haryana Pvt. Ltd.
DENSO Kirloskar Industries Pvt. Ltd.