Whistleblowing: Corruption & Law Violations Contact Us Form
Asterisks (*) indicate required entries
Points to be noticed concerning the answer from our company.
- Depending on the nature of your inquiry, your reply may be sent by postal mail, phone or facsimile. Please understand that in such cases, we will reprint or use the information you have provided us.
- All replies are prepared with the intention of answering your specific inquiry. The content of our replies should not, in whole or in part, be used for other purposes or disclosed to third parties without approval from DENSO.
- Although the sections in charge will endeavor to answer your inquiries or suggestions as soon as possible, some inquiries may require some time and we do not guarantee to answer all the requests. Please understand that inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end through New Year holidays and summer holidays will be addressed from the following business day.
- The confidentiality of your identity and the contents of your report shall be protected to the extent reasonably practicable and in compliance with any statutory requirements in force.
- You are responsible to ensure that your report is made in good faith and free from any malicious intent. The Company shall also take all reasonable efforts to protect you from detrimental action or retaliation for a good faith reporter.
- The protection under Clause 4-5 above shall not be available if you participated in such corruption or law violation or willfully discloses a false statement or makes a report with malicious intent. The Company reserves its rights to take appropriate action including legal action against the false or malicious report made by you.
- The Company does not have power to provide immunity from legal actions or proceedings which beyond the Company’s reasonable control.
- Any anonymous report may not be considered and the Company reserves its right to determine whether the investigation of the any report should be carried out or not. The Company shall not be liable for any acts or omissions regarding such determination.