SDM & SKD Attend the Safety School Audit for Year 2019 of Donhuaroh 1 (Banmabsamkliao) Municipality School & Wat Ban Kao School

Jul. 2, 2019

On 2 and 3 July 2019, Mrs.Supawan Petchsingha, Assistant General Manager of General Affairs department,  Environment & CSR section, the representative of Siam DENSO Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (SDM) and Siam KYOSAN DENSO Co., Ltd. (SKD) attended the safety school audit of Donhuaroh 1 (Banmabsamkliao) Municipality School which was organized for the 1st year and Wat Bankao School for the 3rd consecutive year, audited by the committee from Department of Labour Protection & Welfare, SDM & SKD as a network that helps develop and security systems and road safety within the school. According to the cooperation project for “Eco and Safety School Model Development” such as chemical management systems, fire emergency evacuation plan, providing a safe environment for the school, etc. In order for the school to have a good security system which is considered an important part in supporting the development of safety systems in schools and enabling teachers to be able to behave in a safe manner.