DENSO Joined the 43rd Bangkok International Motor Show Symposium Under the Topic of “Global Warming, the Impact to Export and Import”
On March 24 2022, Dr. Theerawat Limpibunterng, President of Siam DENSO Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (SDM) attended the 43rd Bangkok International Motor Show Symposium as an honorable guest speaker under the topic of “Global Warming, the impact to Export and Import” organized by the Thai Automotive Industry Association (TAIA). This seminar aims to publicly share an information and enhance understanding of European Green Deal, Carbon Boarder Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Carbon Credit, etc. Several guest speakers from related government agencies participated in this seminar such as Mr. Kitjawat Tacharoen, Minister Counsellor of the Department of European Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Chotima Iemsawasdikul, Deputy Director General of the Department of Trade Negotiation Ministry of Commerce and Mr. Nopparat Phromin, Manager of the office of Carbon Market Promotion and Innovation Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization).
Dr. Theerawat as DENSO representative took this opportunity to share fruitful information related to the goal of global DENSO to reduce CO2 and become Carbon Neutrality by 2035 through the concept of “Lean and Clean Factory”. Lean and Clean Factory concept can be divided into 3 main areas as follows;
1. Lean Manufacturing and Automation: The elimination of waste or “MUDA” in production and utilize automation to improve
productivity when necessary.
2. Lean Energy: The reduction of energy losses from production process, especially from invisible process in machinery
by utilizing IoT for detection and energy efficiency enhancement.
3. Clean Energy: The utilization of renewable energy to be used in production process, including utilizing Carbon Credit system
to achieve the goal of being Carbon Neutrality.
The seminar created opportunity for DENSO to publicly raise awareness of Global Warming and spread the idea of reducing energy consumption while improving production process to clean energy. DENSO could also show to public that DENSO is an example of organization who can adjust its business to comply with climate change and international regulation to reduce CO2 in the future.