Outside Evaluation and Awards (Environment)

Evaluations and Awards in Fiscal 2024

DENSO Wins the Energy Conservation Center Chairman’s Award at the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards

At the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards in fiscal 2024, DENSO received the Energy Conservation Center Chairman’s Award in the Energy Conservation Best Practices Category. The Company received this award in recognition of its win-win energy conservation activities, which aim to achieve both energy conservation and improvements in factory environments.
Sponsored by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan, the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards recognize the outstanding conservation efforts of companies and governments as well as advanced energy conservation products created through technological developments. DENSO has won awards at the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards for 14 consecutive years since 2009 and has won a total of 15 awards.

    • Awards

      Members of the Engine Equipment Manufacturing Division receiving the Energy Conservation Center Chairman’s Award for win-win energy conservation activities, aiming to achieve both energy conservation and improvements in factory environments

SDM & SKD Receive the Amata Best Waste Management Award (Platinum Level) for the Ninth Consecutive Year [Thailand] 

SDM & SKD (Thailand) received the Amata Best Waste Management Award* (Platinum Level) from AMATA Corporation PCL, marking the ninth consecutive year that these companies have received the highest level of this award. This award is given to companies that effectively manage their waste based on the 3R principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and is intended to encourage awareness and effective management of industrial waste at factories. SDM & SKD’s internal waste management systems, efforts to reduce landfill waste, and other waste-related activities were highly praised and certified as Platinum Level.

In addition, SDM received the Industrial Waste Management, Innovation, and Technology Award from Amata Facility Services Co., Ltd., which is given to companies that develop innovative new technologies for effectively reducing industrial waste.

* Sponsored by Amata Facility Services Co., Ltd., Thailand’s largest developer and operator of industrial parks, the Amata Best Waste Management Award is an award given to companies in the Amata Industrial Park that effectively manage their waste based on the 3R principles and through the reduction of landfill waste and other waste materials. The award seeks to encourage awareness and effective management of industrial waste among companies within the industrial park. The Platinum Level is given to companies that score 70% or higher.

    • Mr. Toshiyuki Hata, Vice President of SDM

      Mr. Toshiyuki Hata, Vice President of SDM

    • Mr. Sitthiporn Chalayon, General Manager of SDM

      Mr. Sitthiporn Chalayon, General Manager of SDM

    • Recipients of the award

      Recipients of the award

SDM Receives Model Factory Award Based on Bio-Circular-Green Economy [Thailand]

SDM received the Model Factory Award based on a bio-circular-green (BCG) economy by the Department of Industrial Works Industrial Environment Technology Promotion Division of Thailand. In receiving this award, SDM was recognized as being a company promoting economic development through the BCG model, with a focus on the bioeconomy, which optimizes the use of biological resources, enhances productivity, and creates added value; the circular economy, which aims to maximize resource recycling and reduce waste by minimizing the use of limited resources; and the green economy, which places emphasis on striking a balance between economic, social, and environmental development. The award ceremony was held on August 18, 2023, at The Berkeley Hotel Pratunam in Bangkok.

    • Award ceremony

      Award ceremony
      [Left]Mr. Somchai Boonphoapichart, the Director of SDM
      [Right]Ms. Pattamawan Khunprasert, the Director of the Industrial Environment Technology Promotion Division under the Department of Industrial Works

    • Award certificate

      Award certificate

DENSO Included in the CDP’s “A List”—the Highest Rating—in Both the Climate Change and Water Security Survey Categories [Global]

DENSO was included in the “A List”—the highest rating—of the CDP, an international non-governmental organization that serves as the global standard for environmental evaluation, for being a company with outstanding environmental activities and information disclosure. This marked the second year in a row that the Company was included in the “A List” in both the Climate Change and Water Security survey categories.

    • CDP

DENSO CORPORATION’s Daian Plant Wins Director-General of the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in the Excellent Greening Factory Awards (Japan)

The Daian Plant won the Director-General of the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in the 2023 Excellent Greening Factory Awards. These awards recognize factories, organizations, and individuals that have made major contributions to improving the environment both inside and outside factories through the proactive promotion of factory greening initiatives. The Daian Plant was commended for its efforts to strengthen ties with the local community by relocating the fence surrounding the parking lot along the public road on the south side of the plant, thus creating a space for seasonal plants. This initiative helped establish a green boundary and enhance the area’s aesthetic appeal. In addition, the plant was praised for its ongoing promotion and expansion of environmental activities by its employees, including creating green spaces that promote environmental awareness and opening a cherry blossom tunnel on the premises to contribute to the local community, in keeping with the “Green 2x” environmental policy set forth in DENSO Eco Vision 2025.

    • DAIAN

Evaluations and Awards in Fiscal 2023

DENSO Wins Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy at the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards [Japan]

In fiscal 2023, DENSO’s data-driven energy-saving initiative “Changing Our Awareness, Organization, and Actions through Data” has received the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy at the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards in the Energy Conservation Best Practices Category. Sponsored by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan, the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards recognize the outstanding conservation efforts of companies and governments as well as advanced energy conservation products created through technological developments. DENSO has won awards at the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards for 13 consecutive years since 2009 and has won a total of 14 awards. The latest award marks the sixth consecutive year in which the Company has won the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy.

    • DENSO Wins Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy at the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards [Japan]

      Members of the Safety, Health & Environment Division receiving the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy

SDM & SKD Receive the Amata Best Waste Management Award (Platinum Level) for the Eighth Consecutive Year [Thailand]

SDM & SKD (Thailand) received the Amata Best Waste Management Award* (Platinum Level) from AMATA Corporation PCL, marking the eighth consecutive year these companies have received the highest level of this award. This award is given to companies that effectively manage their waste based on the 3R principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and is intended to encourage awareness and effective management of industrial waste at factories. SDM & SKD’s internal waste management systems, efforts to reduce landfill waste, and other waste-related activities were highly praised and certified as Platinum Level.

* Sponsored by Amata Facility Services Co., Ltd., Thailand’s largest developer and operator of industrial parks, the Amata Best Waste Management Award is an award given to companies in the Amata Industrial Park that effectively manage their waste based on the 3R principles and through the reduction of landfill waste and other waste materials. The award seeks to encourage awareness and effective management of industrial waste among companies within the industrial park. The Platinum Level is given to companies that score 70% or higher.

    • SDM


    • SKD


DENSO Included in CDP’s “A List”—the Highest Rating—in Both the Climate Change and Water Security Survey Categories [Global]

DENSO was included in the “A List”—the highest rating—of CDP, an international non-governmental organization that serves as the global standard for environmental evaluation, for being a company with outstanding environmental activities and information disclosure. DENSO received high praise for the multifaceted promotion of efforts to reduce environmental burden within its entire supply chain and timely initiatives to introduce ESG evaluations within director compensation systems, among other measures, with the aim of striking a balance between environmental conservation and its business activities.

  • CDP

DENSO CORPORATION Certified as Outstanding Biodiversity Company under the Aichi Biodiversity Company Certification Program [JAPAN]

The Aichi Biodiversity Company Certification Program certifies companies with excellent biodiversity initiatives. DENSO CORPORATION was certified as an outstanding biodiversity company under this program. The Company was commended for the concerted efforts that its employees have been making toward biodiversity together with local communities since 2006, including greenification projects and biotope activities. In fiscal 2024, the Company once again released an Aichi Biodiversity Company Certification Initiative Status Report, continuing its certification under the program.

    • DENSO CORPORATION Certified as Outstanding Biodiversity Company under the Aichi Biodiversity Company Certification Program [JAPAN]

Evaluations and Awards for Fiscal 2022 and Earlier

Fiscal 2022

DENSO Awarded Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy and Prize of the Chairman of the Energy Conservation Center at Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards (Japan)

DENSO received the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy and Prize of the Chairman of the Energy Conservation Center at the Fiscal 2022 Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards, held on January 26, 2022, in the Semiconductor Manufacturing Division 2 and Electrification Device Technologies Division 1 (in collaboration with Toyota).
Sponsored by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan, the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards recognize the outstanding energy conservation efforts of companies and governments as well as advanced energy conservation products created through technological developments. Since fiscal 2010, DENSO has received prizes at the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards for 12 consecutive years and 13 years in total, including winning the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy for the fifth year in a row.

DENSO Wins Director-General of the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in the 2022 Excellent Greening Factory Awards (Japan)

In a continuation of success for DENSO’s plants, the Anjo Plant received the Director-General of the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in fiscal 2022 at the Excellent Greening Factory Awards, held on October 22, 2021, and hosted by the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center. This follows the Daian Plant’s receipt of the Chairperson’s Award of the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center in fiscal 2020 and the Nishio Plant’s receipt of the Director-General of the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in fiscal 2021. The Anjo Plant was recognized for its efforts to improve and enhance the quality of its green spaces through concepts that reflect the perspectives of employees, customers, and the local community, and for its efforts to create a green space that promotes environmental awareness in keeping with the “Green 2x” environmental policy set forth in DENSO Eco Vision 2025. We are working to improve the upkeep of the cherry trees that line the 1,700-meter-long perimeter of the plant—a well-loved feature among local residents—by extending the life of older trees through specialized conservation methods and boosting the health of younger trees by improving the condition of the soil. In addition, “Fureai-no-sato,” a green space open to the local community, has been created by retracting the fences on the plant’s site, and it is a relaxing space where local residents can enjoy seasonal flowers, a waterfront area with a babbling brook, and grassy lawn areas.

    • DENSO Wins Director-General of the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in the 2022 Excellent Greening Factory Awards (Japan)

DENSO Iwate Receives the Eco Action: Starting with What We Can Do Movement’s Eco Action Award * (Japan)

On June 11, 2021, DENSO Iwate received the Eco Action: Starting with What We Can Do Movement’s Eco Action Award.
Eco Action: Starting with What We Can Do is a coordinated movement of the Global Warming Prevention Council of Iwate Prefecture to promote energy conservation and electricity saving in November and December, when energy consumption increases, and to report on the status of efforts to prevent global warming. The award is given to the best and most unique activities among the reports, as well as for efforts made to prevent global warming at each business location.
Denso Iwate was recognized as a leading and exemplary company in the prefecture for its comprehensive and outstanding efforts.

*The Eco Action Award is given to exemplary business locations that lead the way in global warming prevention measures in Iwate Prefecture, and to business locations that have implemented excellent overall initiatives.

    • DENSO Iwate Receives the Eco Action: Starting with What We Can Do Movement’s Eco Action Award

Denso Japan Receives Top Prize in Fiscal 2021 Green Curtain Contest (Japan)

On November 18, 2021, the Denso Group Green Project won the Grand Prize in the Business Site Category at the Green Curtain Contest sponsored by Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture. Since 2012, DENSO has planted and maintained “green curtains” on the premises of each of its locations and Group companies, and it has held contests to determine the green curtains that represent the best workmanship and those that yield the best harvests. In addition, the project was recognized for its ongoing efforts to provide green curtain kits to employees upon request and to promote activities that can be carried out regardless of time and location amid the increase in telecommuting due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Green Curtain
    • Green Curtain
    • Green Curtain

DENSO Indonesia awarded First Runner-Up prize in the Asean Energy Award 2021 (Indonesia)

Recipients of the Asean Energy Award 2021, sponsored by the Asean Centre for Energy, have been announced. The award was presented to 580 companies in 29 categories from 10 countries. On September 15, 2021, DENSO Indonesia was awarded runner-up as the Indonesian representative in the Energy Management for Large-Scale Industries category for its innovation and ability to replicate improvements made, such as significant energy savings, commitment management, and use of the IoT.

    • DENSO Indonesia awarded First Runner-Up prize in the Asean Energy Award 2021 (Indonesia)

SDM & SKD Certified as a 2021 ECO Industrial Park Development Information Provider Factory (Thailand)

Siam DENSO Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (SDM), & Siam KYOSAN DENSO Co., Ltd. (SKD) (Thailand), attended the virtual Eco Innovation Forum 2021 jointly organized by the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand, the Ministry of Industry of Thailand, and the Water and Environment Institute for Sustainability of the Federation of Thai Industries, and was certified as a 2021 ECO Industrial Park Development Information Provider Factory on September 29, 2021. This certificate is issued to companies that provide information on the development of industrial parks in eco-industrial towns.

  • SDM & SKD Certified as a 2021 ECO Industrial Park Development Information Provider Factory (Thailand)


  • SDM & SKD Certified as a 2021 ECO Industrial Park Development Information Provider Factory (Thailand)


  • SDM & SKD Certified as a 2021 ECO Industrial Park Development Information Provider Factory (Thailand)
  • SDM & SKD Certified as a 2021 ECO Industrial Park Development Information Provider Factory (Thailand)

SDM & SDK Receive the Amata Waste Management Award (Platinum Level) (Thailand) for the Seventh Consecutive Year

SDM & SKD (Thailand) received the Amata Waste Management Award (Platinum Level) from AMATA Corporation PCL, marking the seventh consecutive year these companies have received the highest level of this award. This award is given to companies that effectively manage waste based on the 3R principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and is intended to encourage awareness and effective management of industrial waste at factories. SDM & SDK’s internal waste management systems, efforts to reduce landfill waste, and other waste-related activities were highly praised and certified as Platinum level.

    • SDM & SDK Receive the Amata Waste Management Award


    • SDM & SDK Receive the Amata Waste Management Award


Fiscal 2021

DENSO Iwate Receives the Outstanding Performance Award at the 2020 Environmental Human Resources Development Corporate Awards (Japan)

On March 22, 2022, DENSO Iwate Corporation received the Environmental Human Resource Development Company Award 2020 Excellence Award in recognition of its efforts to produce and develop human resources to lead environmentally friendly corporate activities and support such activities. The company received particular praise for its systems that encourage independence, community-based initiatives, and awareness of its relationship with future generations.

    • DENSO Iwate

DENSO Awarded Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy and Prize of the Chairman of the Energy Conservation Center at Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards (Japan)

DENSO received the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy and two Prizes of the Chairman of the Energy Conservation Center at the Fiscal 2021 Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards, held on January 27, 2021. Sponsored by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan, the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards recognize the outstanding energy conservation efforts of companies and governments as well as advanced energy conservation products created through technological developments. Since fiscal 2010, DENSO has received prizes at the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards for 11 consecutive years and 12 years in total, including winning the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy for the fourth year in a row.

    • Awards

    Winning the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy

    “Promotion of energy-saving activities by optimizing the manufacturing process of high-precision resin molded components”
    (Mechatronics Component Manufacturing Division)

    • Awards

    Winning the Prize of the Chairman of the Energy Conservation Center

    “Taking on the challenge of reducing the volume of pure water used for steam heating by 50% through the effective use of water-cooled heat pumps”
    (Semiconductor Manufacturing Division2)

    • Awards

    Winning the Prize of the Chairman of the Energy Conservation Center

    “Promotion of the central air-conditioning system ‘Smart Freeze Ace’”

DENSO Wins Director-General of the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in the 2021 Excellent Greening Factory Awards (Japan)

  • Awards

In recognition of its factory greenification efforts, DENSO’s Nishio Plant was awarded the Director-General of the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in the 2021 Excellent Greening Factory Awards, held on October 22, 2020, and hosted by the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center. These awards recognize factories, organizations, and individuals that have had remarkable success in promoting greening efforts at factories and improving both the internal and external factory environment. The Nishio Plant was the fourth DENSO plant to receive awards at this ceremony, after the Daian Plant in fiscal 2020, the Zenmyo Plant in fiscal 2019, and the Anjo Plant in fiscal 2018.
In receiving the Director-General of the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award, the Nishio Plant was evaluated highly for its proactive efforts to create green spaces based on its greenification policy as well as for being a well-known landmark among local community members. The plant also garnered praise for undertaking weeding activities and hosting hydrangea viewing parties in collaboration with the local community. The activities of the Nishio Plant helped DENSO become recognized as a “company that supports the flower kingdom of Aichi” by the Aichi Prefectural government in March 2017.

DENSO Iwate Receives the Environment Minister’s Award for Promoting the Creation of a Recycling-Based Society (Companies with Outstanding 3R Activities) in the Ministry of Environment Awards (Japan)

  • Companies with Outstanding 3R Activities

DENSO Iwate Corporation received the Environment Minister’s Award for Promoting the Creation of a Recycling-Based Society (Companies with Outstanding 3R Activities) in the Ministry of Environment Awards, held on November 13, 2020 and hosted by the Ministry of the Environment. DENSO Iwate won this award in recognition of its activities to curtail waste production and reduce overall waste through internal reuse. The company was also commended for the in-house recycling activities it has implemented through the utilization of subsidies from the fiscal 2020 Iwate Prefecture Industrial Area Zero Emissions Promotion Project as well as the right earned to undertake solvent recovery, which was introduced under this project.

Management Award (Platinum Level) (Thailand)

Siam DENSO Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (SDM), & Siam KYOSAN DENSO Co., Ltd. (SKD) (Thailand), have received the CSR-DIW Continuous Award, held on November 17, 2020, for the third consecutive year. This award is a project of the Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry, Thailand. Receipt of this award reflects SDM & SKD’s commitment to continuously fulfilling their corporate social responsibility and proves that SDM & SKD are conducting business activities in consideration of social and environmental sustainability.
Furthermore, SDM & SKD received the 3Rs and 3Rs+ awards, respectively, from the Ministry of Industry on November 21, 2020. The 3Rs Award recognizes waste management that complies with the principles of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), and the 3Rs+ Award acknowledges the effectiveness of corporations’ 3Rs programs in terms of reducing waste and generating economic returns. With the receipt of these awards, SDM & SKD’s 3R management efforts (Gold Medal level) for realizing economic returns were recognized as good practices, specifically in terms of reducing sludge from wastewater treatment facilities for SDM and reducing NG filter paper waste for SKD.
SDM & SKD also received the Amata Waste Management Award (Platinum level) from AMATA Corporation PCL, marking the sixth consecutive year these companies have received the highest level of this award. This award is given to companies that effectively manage waste based on the 3R principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and is intended to encourage awareness and effective management of industrial waste at factories. SDM & SKD’s internal waste management systems, efforts to reduce landfill waste, and other waste-related activities were highly praised and certified as Platinum level.

    • Management Award

Fiscal 2020

DENSO Awarded Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy at Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards (Japan)

DENSO received the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy at the Fiscal 2020 Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards. The award ceremony was held on January 29, 2020 at Tokyo Big Sight.

Sponsored by The Energy Conservation Center, Japan, the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards recognize the outstanding energy conservation efforts of companies and governments as well as advanced energy conservation products created through technological developments.

In this fiscal year’s awards, DENSO received the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy in recognition of its efforts to develop and operate systems that manage signs of facility irregularities, which help significantly reduce the energy loss that occurs when operating rates decline due to facility malfunctions.

Since fiscal 2010, DENSO has received prizes at the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards for 10 consecutive years.

  • Receipt of the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy

    Receipt of the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy

DENSO Wins Chairperson’s Award of the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center in the Fiscal 2020 Factory Greening Award Program (Japan)

In recognition of its efforts toward the greening of its plants, DENSO received the Chairperson’s Award of the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center in the Fiscal 2020 Factory Greening Award Program, which is sponsored by the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center. This program recognizes factories, organizations, and individuals that have had remarkable success with promoting greening efforts at factories and improving both the internal and external factory environment. In this year’s awards, DENSO’s Daian Plant received the Chairperson’s Award of the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center, making it the third DENSO plant to win the award after the Anjo Plant in fiscal 2018 and the Zenmyo Plant in fiscal 2019.

Reasons for Winning the Award (Areas That Received Praise)

  • Over a two-fold increase in green area space since beginning operation
  • Numerous green areas established along lot lines, creating an abundance of green scenery in the areas nearby roads, including a row of cherry trees
  • Planting of trees and plants alongside path used to enter and leave the plant; selection and arrangement of plants based on the concept of appealing to the five senses; establishment of green spaces near plant cafeteria, where employees can easily gather, relax, and rest; and other efforts that focus on creating an employee-friendly environment
  • Proactive efforts outside of the plant’s premises to contribute to the local community, including cleanup and weeding efforts in the surrounding area performed by groups of employee volunteers, maintenance of flower beds at nearby parks and on nearby bridges, and the implementation of “DENSO Eco Leisure 21 Inabe,” an event for children

  • Central Park

    Green Spaces in the Plant "Central Park"

Fiscal 2019

9th Place in 22nd Nikkei Environmental Management Survey’s Overall Ranking of Manufacturers (Japan)

DENSO and DENSO FACILITIES Awarded [Director-General Prize of Agency of Natural Resources and Energy at Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards

DENSO and DENSO FACILITIES Awarded Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy at the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards (Japan)

DENSO and DENSO FACILITIES CORPORATION received the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy at the 2019 Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards. The awards ceremony was held on January 30, 2019, at Tokyo Big Sight.
Sponsored by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan, the Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards recognize the outstanding energy conservation efforts of companies and governments as well as advanced energy conservation products created through technological developments.
To date, we have focused our efforts on Just-in-Time (JIT) activities that aim for the utilization and supply of just the right amount of energy at the necessary time. Recently, we received the Director-General Prize of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy in recognition of our efforts to further expand energy-saving activities through the DENSO-style FEMS,* a Companywide management system that makes it possible to effectively utilize energy on a cross-organizational basis.
* Factory Energy Management System

  • Director-General Prize of Agency of Natural Resources and Energy

    Director-General Prize of Agency of Natural Resources and Energy

  • Chairman’s Prize of ECCJ

    Chairman’s Prize of ECCJ

Received Superior Award (Corporate Category) in the 2017 Company Grand Prizes for Fostering Environmental Personnel (Japan)

DENSO received the Superior Award (Corporate Category) in the 2017 Company Grand Prizes for Fostering Environmental Personnel,*1 sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment. Reasons cited for our selection were the enhanced quality and scope of our educational program based on Eco Vision 2025, which we announced in 2016; the clear positioning of this program within the corporate strategy; e-learning on product life cycle assessment (LCA)*2; and an environment that encourages employees to remain abreast of global trends, such as the SDGs*3.

*1 The Company Grand Prizes for Fostering Environmental Personnel are awarded to companies that conduct superior initiatives aimed at fostering human resources who promote environmental preservation and socioeconomic greening, realizing corporate management that seeks to achieve harmony with the global environment.
*2 A method for quantitatively and objectively evaluating environmental impact at all stages, from resource extraction through to manufacturing, transportation, use, disposal, and recycling
*3 Sustainable Development Goals

  • (Left) Tokutaro Nakai, Director-General for Environmental Policy, Ministry of the Environment (Right) Keiko Shimokata, Executive Director (picture taken in 2017)

    (Left) Tokutaro Nakai, Director-General for Environmental Policy, Ministry of the Environment (Right) Keiko Shimokata, Executive Director (picture taken in 2017)