
Risk Management

Basic Stance

To minimize the impact of constantly diversifying risks, DENSO is working to strengthen its risk management structure as a part of internal controls.
Specifically, we have divided matters that have the potential to damage our businesses into “risks,” which refer to circumstances where such matters have yet to manifest, and “crises,” which refer to states of emergency where such matters have manifested. Based on these classifications, we are focusing our efforts on implementing preventive measures, which stop risks before they occur, and swift and accurate initial-response and recovery measures, which minimize damage in the event a crisis occurs.

Promotion Structure

DENSO has established the Risk Management Meeting, chaired by the chief risk officer (CRO), who is responsible for Groupwide risk management. The Risk Management Meeting is a Groupwide organization that promotes efforts such as confirming improvements to the Company’s risk management structure and framework and discussing and determining the direction of important risk management activities based on the conditions and trends both inside and outside the Company.
Furthermore, through this organization, we have appointed risk officers and risk managers in charge of risk management in each business unit and at each regional headquarters and Group company and are taking steps to strengthen measures to prevent damage to our businesses during normal times and measures to minimize damage during times of emergency.
In addition, we have created a manual in order to respond promptly and accurately in the event of a crisis. This manual clarifies such matters as methods to determine the state of affairs during a crisis, standards and rules for making reports, and the basics of responding both internally and externally. Depending on the severity and level of urgency of the situation, we assemble special countermeasure organizations under which the responsible functional departments lead the way with efforts to enact an agile response geared toward minimizing damage.

Risk Management Structure

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Crises countermeasures structure

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Ascertaining Risks and Clarifying Response

DENSO strives to constantly ascertain the risks it faces and manage these risks from the perspectives of damage mitigation and business continuity. Once every year, we implement risk assessment activities in each functional department and business unit and at each regional headquarters and domestic and overseas Group company.
Taking into account its surrounding business environment, the Company has identified major risk items related to life, the environment, credit, property, and business activities based on frequency of occurrence and level of impact. The Company designates responsible functional departments for each risk item and clarifies various factors pertaining to these items, including level of impact, reason for occurrence, preventive measures, initial response, and recovery efforts. The Company also strives to enhance its risk resilience.
In particular, DENSO is identifying risks in areas where it invests resources to promote countermeasures as “key risk items.” The Company has also established plans and targets toward further enhancing its crisis management, and the progress made toward these plans and targets is reported to the Risk Management Meeting. At the same time, DENSO has established KPIs related to risk management as Companywide targets, and the status of risk management activities is now also confirmed by the Board of Directors. Furthermore, DENSO carries out audits of these risk management processes by internal and external organizations and implements relevant inspections.
Additionally, for fiscal 2024, the Company has determined 39 major risk items and, among these, 11 key risk items. DENSO revises these major risk and key risk items appropriately, giving consideration to the issues currently facing society as well as the frequency of risks occurring at DENSO and the level of impact they have on the Company.

Main Risks for DENSO

Reason Risk Items
Internal factors
(Accidents and mistakes)
Environmental pollution and abnormalities, disasters (work-related accidents, fires, and explosions), recalls, production obstacles (difficulties with energy supply, etc.), information security-related incidents, personnel and work-related incidents (human rights issues, labor issues, and issues at overseas offices), mental health issues, traffic accidents, errors in internal management of information, etc
Internal factors
(Legal violations)
Violations of the Antimonopoly Act, tax evasion, inappropriate employee dispatch or use of contract work, violation of product laws and regulations, violation of anti-bribery laws, etc.
External factors Earthquakes, typhoons, concentrated heavy rains, lightning strikes
External factors
(Political and social)
Product liability litigation, fluctuating exchange rates, human rights issues, supplier-related issues, incidents or other emergencies (wars, terrorist attacks, abductions, etc.), spread of infectious diseases, etc.

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Specific Initiatives

Strengthening Our Risk Prevention and Initial-Response Measures

Corporations have been facing an increasing number of serious risks recently. For example, in addition to the progression of global warming, there are concerns over the frequent occurrence and greater severity of natural disasters caused by climate change. Under these circumstances, while placing the utmost importance on protecting people’s lives, it is imperative that we are able to swiftly recover our business operations in the event an emergency occurs and take steps to minimize any damage it may cause to our businesses. We are also taking action in such ways as creating emergency situation manuals and promoting countermeasures for minimizing the impact of disasters from the perspective of business continuity management.
As there are a great deal of risk factors within the supply chain that could cause component supply issues, particularly natural disasters, geopolitical risks and incidents, and other emergencies, it is extremely important in terms of our business continuity plans that we clarify our methods for responding to these types of issues within our supply chain. In order to minimize the risk of delays or stoppages in the supply of components from suppliers, which could lead to a delay in or suspension of our production activities and the delivery of products to customers, we are striving to maintain close ties with our suppliers to implement preemptive risk management. An example of such a preemptive measure is dispersing high-risk inventories across the various locations where items are produced, or where they are in demand, rather than holding inventories in one centralized location. In addition to our internally made products, we have established a system for outside orders that enables us to switch between our multiple suppliers in case of an emergency. Furthermore, we are working to speed up initial response by unifying and visualizing internal and external inventory information through the digital transformation of high-risk inventories, and we are thoroughly implementing measures to strengthen our ability to collaborate with suppliers in a unified manner.

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    * BCPs: In the event that operations are interrupted by an earthquake or other large-scale disaster, BCPs are designed to minimize damage to the Company’s business by aiming to promptly restore operations within a targeted timeframe.

Activities to raise and spread awareness among employees

The Company faces various risks related to natural disasters, traffic accidents, information security, and other matters.

To minimize the damages when a crisis occurs, it is important that employees maintain a daily awareness of risks to prevent incidents and take appropriate action in the event of a crisis. As well as evacuation drills *, which are carried out in anticipation of large-scale disasters such as massive earthquakes, and include temporary and contract employees, a variety of awareness activities aimed at promoting employee understanding and enhanced awareness of risks are conducted at DENSO CORPORATION and domestic Group companies.
* Resumed in fiscal 2023 after being temporarily suspended to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Specific Permeation and Awareness Activities
Fiscal 2005- Risk Response Pocket Guide
Clarification of actions to be taken in the event of an earthquake, fire, or traffic accident.
All employees are required to carry the pocket guide on a daily basis.
Fiscal 2007- Risk management training for management-level employees
Conducted risk management training for newly appointed department managers as well as factory managers and section managers of business groups.
Fiscal 2007- Safety confirmation system training
[DENSO CORPORATION, domestic Group companies]
Training on registration in safety confirmation system to expedite confirmation of employee safety in the event of a major disaster
Introduction of bulletin board function to allow for confirmation of safety of family members
Fiscal 2023- Risk management training
Since fiscal 2007, implemented risk management training for managers, plant general managers, and heads of business groups at DENSO CORPORATION. Starting from fiscal 2024, expanded this training to risk managers at domestic and overseas Group companies as well.

Future Initiatives

DENSO is facing various unprecedented risks, such as the prolonged conflict between Russia and Ukraine. To address these risks, and any future risks that may arise, we will continue to thoroughly implement countermeasures from the perspectives of systems, people, and governance, and strengthen our risk-response capabilities to minimize any potential impact on management.