

In recent years, the planet has been affected by more frequent abnormal weather due to climate change. We are now faced with a wide range of environmental issues, including excess waste, pollution, resource depletion, and the loss of biodiversity. Under these circumstances, the global society has agreed upon international frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a globally shared set of environmental and social goals, and the Paris Agreement. Corporations are now expected to help resolve environmental issues from long-term and global perspectives through business activities that aim to realize a sustainable society.

Taking such frameworks into consideration, DENSO formulates its Eco Vision every 10 years as a long-term commitment toward environmental management and policies pursued by the Group. Furthermore, an Environmental Action Plan is formulated every five years to embody the commitments and environmental policies established under the Eco Vision.

Target State

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DENSO EcoVision 2025

DENSO formulated Eco Vision 2025 as a new action plan for 2025, which is the midway point toward its goal of realizing sustainable communities and societies by 2050.
In light of the changes in the operating environment, we have determined “Energy 1/2,” “Clean × 2,” and “Green × 2” as “Target 3,” meaning three goals that we should achieve by 2025. Additionally, we are promoting “Action 10,” which are 10 specific actions that we should take to realize Target 3 within the areas of products, production, associates, and management.

Moving from “Energy 1/2” to Carbon Neutrality

As we have been steadily promoting initiatives aimed at realizing our targets for 2025, based on DENSO Eco Vision 2025, there has been an accelerating shift in global society from aiming for a low-carbon world to one that is carbon free.
This accelerated shift has had a major impact on DENSO’s product development and production, and, as such, we have raised the targets we aim for in terms of “Energy 1/2” to an even higher level of carbon neutrality.

Three Goals to Achieve "Target 3"

ENERGY 1/2 → Carbon neutrality

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To curtail and eliminate the impact of climate change, we are working to achieve carbon-neutral production activities by not only continuing and strengthening our energy-saving activities but also transitioning to electricity derived from renewable energy sources, among other efforts. For mobility products, we are working to reduce CO2 emissions to the greatest extent possible by promoting the development of electrification technologies. Furthermore, we are working to achieve negative CO2 emissions through technologies that create green energy using hydrogen. Through these efforts, we will aim to achieve carbon neutrality across all of society.


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To offer peace of mind to all of our stakeholders, we will continue to make ongoing improvements with the aim of reducing by half our impact on the environment and our emissions and waste generation. To that end, we will help improve the air quality in each region by developing technologies that reduce vehicle exhaust gas and seek to reduce waste generation and water resource usage at our plants and in our logistics activities. We will also enhance educational activities on the environment to encourage our employees to commit themselves to preserving the global environment and to aim for the realization of a sustainable society.


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To pass on the abundance of nature and the biodiversity it creates to the next generation, we are engaging in corporate activities aimed at achieving symbiosis between people and nature. For example, we are promoting new businesses focused on the environment, such as biofuel research and agricultural support, and are proceeding with the greenification of our plants. In addition, at our offices in each region of operation, we promote social contribution activities and events centered on the environment and work to enhance the environmental awareness of employees and encourage them to behave in an eco-friendly manner. At the same time, we strive to build eco-friendly communities.

Specific actions to achieve goals "Action 10"

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Commitment to Products

Initiatives in the Factory

Initiatives by employees

Initiatives in the Management

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Please see the following special website for details on Eco Vision 2025.

Please see the following link for details on our environmental strategy geared toward carbon neutrality