
Corporate Governance

Basic Policies on Corporate Governance

DENSO recognizes the establishment of corporate governance as a priority initiative for achieving sustainable long-term increases in corporate value in a rapidly changing global market. Based on its Basic Policies on Corporate Governance, DENSO has adopted a corporate auditor system under which it has established the General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board, and Accounting Auditors as statutory bodies. In addition to these legal functions, the Company has established various governance-related frameworks. At the same time, the Company shares information and conducts dialogues regarding its business conditions with its shareholders and other investors on an ongoing basis, thereby implementing sound, efficient, and transparent management.

Efforts to Improve Corporate Governance

DENSO is working to evolve its corporate governance and enhance strategic discussions Companywide to realize sustainable increases in corporate value.
DENSO has implemented all of the principles of the Corporate Governance Code that was revised in June 2021. DENSO discloses in its Corporate Governance Report its sustainability initiatives and efforts to ensure diversity in core personnel. Going forward, we will continue to implement sound, efficient, and transparent management including through the significant reduction of cross-shareholdings.

Corporate Governance Report

Corporate Governance System and Principal Organizations

DENSO has adopted a corporate auditor system under which it has established the General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board, and Accounting Auditors as statutory bodies. Through a president, executive vice presidents, and a corporate officer system that separates and clarifies the roles between members of the Board, who are responsible for management (decision-making and supervision), and senior executive officers, who are responsible for the execution of business operations, DENSO CORPORATION is streamlining the number of members of the Board and is realizing swift decision-making and business operations.
Under this system, depending on the circumstances, members of the Board serve concurrently as president, executive vice president, and senior executive officer to ensure that the Board maintains an overall balance of knowledge, experience, and ability. DENSO CORPORATION sets the term of office for members of the Board at one year, with the aim of building a flexible management structure that responds to changes in the management environment and further clarifying management responsibility during the business year.

Reason for Selecting Our Current Corporate Governance System

In addition to performing management decision-making that emphasizes Genchi Genbutsu (on-site verification), DENSO believes that it is important to build a system that can verify whether management decision-making has met shareholder expectations and whether there is a problem from the point of view of governance. To this end, we believe that the current system to supervise and audit the execution of business duties by the Board of Directors including outside Board members, as well as Audit & Supervisory Board members including outside Audit & Supervisory Board members, is most suitable. To improve earnings and corporate value, and to make better business decisions, we have appointed outside Board members with extensive knowledge of corporate management. Their specializations are helpful with decision-making and oversight.
DENSO has adopted a company with audit and supervisory board structure to maintain a system where auditors can independently exercise their auditing authority. To ensure audits are properly carried out, the Audit & Supervisory Board consists of standing Audit & Supervisory Board members who are knowledgeable of internal affairs, and outside Audit & Supervisory Board members who bring high levels of specialization and insights.

Corporate Governance System

  • management-img-corporate-governance-system-en

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors resolves matters stipulated by laws and regulations, as well as matters of importance to the Company’s decision-making. As much as possible, the Board delegates authority to those in charge of business execution. This approach simultaneously accelerates execution and enables the Board to spend more time deliberating on management policies and strategies.
The Board of Directors meets once a month, in principle, and is composed of 12 members: five internal Board members, three outside Board members, two standing Audit & Supervisory Board members, and two outside Audit & Supervisory Board members. With respect to the independence of outside Board members and outside Audit & Supervisory Board members, the Company has selected a total of five independent officers (three outside Board members and two outside Audit & Supervisory Board members). These officers must fulfill the independence criteria stipulated by the financial instruments exchanges, and they are required to have a wealth of experience and specializations in such fields as corporate management, legal affairs, and accounting and to actively provide recommendations and opinions on management issues.

Resolutions must be approved by a majority of the members present at a Board of Directors’ meeting, and the meeting itself must be attended by a majority of members of the Board. We have been enhancing our support structure for the outside officers to ensure the productive and efficient operation of the Board of Directors when making resolutions. Further, before a Board meeting is convened, materials are distributed beforehand and the agenda is explained in detail beforehand, and opinions and approval are received from any members of the Board who are unable to attend on the day of the Board meeting.


Results for meetings convened in fiscal 2024

Number of times convened 13
Attendance rate Directors: 97%
Audit & Supervisory Board members: 100%

Analysis and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors as a Whole

In early March of each year, DENSO has all members of the Board participate in a survey of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors. With a view to obtaining the frank opinions of members of the Board regarding issues and areas requiring improvement, interviews with inside officers are held, and outside officers discuss these matters at the Independent Officer Meeting, based on the outcome of the quantitative assessment in the survey.
Issues and areas identified as requiring improvement and improvement action plans are reported to and discussed by the Board of Directors, followed by improvement activities that are implemented beginning in late May. Each year, a plan–do–check–act (PDCA) cycle is implemented to enhance the effectiveness of the Board of Directors.

Audit & Supervisory Board

Management Oversight Function of the Audit & Supervisory Board

As well as attending meetings of the Board of Directors and other important meetings, Audit & Supervisory Board members convene meetings of the Audit & Supervisory Board once a month, in principle.
The Audit & Supervisory Board comprises four Audit & Supervisory Board members, two of whom are outside Audit & Supervisory Board members. In addition, one alternate outside Audit & Supervisory Board member is appointed to provide against eventualities whereby attendance of the legally required number of Audit & Supervisory Board members is not possible.
At meetings of the Audit & Supervisory Board, resolutions on legally required matters are approved and exchanges of opinions are held with members of the Board, members of the senior management team, members of the Internal Audit Department, and Accounting Auditors regarding the Company’s sustained growth and the medium- to long-term enhancement of corporate value. Also, the Audit & Supervisory Board fulfills its management oversight function through audits of the execution of duties by members of the Board and of the operations and financial position of the Group as a whole.
Pursuant with internal regulations, the Internal Audit Department conducts internal audits on the legality, appropriateness, and efficiency of the Company’s operations. Based on the issues identified by these audits, each department of the Company establishes and subsequently enhances operational control and management systems.

Results for meetings convened in fiscal 2024

Number of times convened 15
Attendance rate 100%


Structure for Business Execution

Management Strategy Meeting and Management Deliberation Meeting

DENSO separates the functions of the Board of Directors, which conducts management oversight, and the executive directors, who handle business execution. As bodies for deliberating important matters pertaining to business execution, DENSO has established the Management Strategy Meeting and the Management Deliberation Meeting. These two bodies, three when including the Board of Directors, are positioned as executive committees.
The Management Strategy Meeting holds strategic discussions with a business, functional, and regional focus, particularly from a medium- to long-term perspective. The Management Deliberation Meeting holds discussions on agenda items for meetings of the Board of Directors and other important matters pertaining to management overall (Companywide business plans, investment projects, important transactions, collaborative projects, and other important management-related matters). These bodies also share information that is important for business management in order to facilitate swift operational execution.
Meetings of both bodies are attended by the president, the vice president, the heads of each business group and functional department, general managers, and the Standing Audit & Supervisory Board members.
In fiscal 2024, the Management Strategy Meeting met a total of 22 times, and the Management Deliberation Meeting met a total of 41 times.

Appointment of Member of the Board

Requirements for Members of the Board and Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Our Approach to Diversity

The composition of the members of the Board and the Audit & Supervisory Board is decided with due consideration paid to the balance of diversity (including nationality and gender), experience, capabilities, and specialization to ensure precise and prompt decision-making.
For Board member candidates, DENSO nominates individuals who are well-versed in managing the Company’s various businesses and effective at addressing urgent issues, and who can contribute to the formulation of management strategies aimed at enhancing corporate value over the medium to long term, as well as the accurate and effective supervision of management. Similarly, for Audit & Supervisory Board member candidates, DENSO nominates individuals with knowledge in business management, finance, accounting, and legal affairs, who can contribute to the appropriate auditing of management.

Experience and Specializations of Members of the Board and Audit & Supervisory Board Members (Skill Matrix)

The skills (experience and specializations) required of members of the Board of Directors are decided while considering whether such skills are helpful in attaining objectives, such as medium- to long-term business strategies, policies, and targets. More specifically, DENSO has set out 11 types of experience and specializations to ensure that the Company has the experience and specializations required to realize its Long-term Policy for 2030 and to underpin stable corporate management. The experience and specializations of the Board of Directors as a whole are disclosed in the form of a skill matrix. We intend to revise these requirements to reflect future changes in business strategy and the business environment.

Approach to Selection of Experience and Specializations
Experience and specializations required to realize DENSO’s Long-term Policy for 2030
  • Corporate management experience that enables anticipation of the future in uncertain and ambiguous times and the provision of recommendations on the course that the Company should pursue

  • Software/digital and environment/energy experience and specializations that enable maximization of the value of “green” and “peace of mind” as well as social contributions, including initiatives focused on realizing carbon neutrality and eliminating traffic accident fatalities

  • Marketing experience and specializations that enable correct understanding of market trends as well as social needs and expectations, which help in addressing not only mobility-related issues but a wide range of other social issues

Experience and specializations required to underpin stable corporate management
  • Governance, global, finance/accounting, human resources, technological development, production/quality, and sales/procurement experience and specializations that serve as foundations for DENSO’s sustained growth, regardless of the era or environment

Experience and Specializations (Skill Matrix) of Members of the Board and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

The areas of specialization that the Company expects each member to demonstrate (up to a maximum of five areas) are as shown below.
Note: This does not represent all the areas of experience and specialization of each person.

  • SkillMatrix

Procedures of Appointment

The president and relevant directors listen to opinions based on various perspectives and select suitable candidates to serve as a member of the Board, comprehensively taking into account their background, personality, insight, and other factors. The Executive Nomination and Remuneration Council, which is chaired by an independent outside director and also has a majority of independent outside directors serving as its members, then holds debate on these candidates and lists the candidates for selection for the current fiscal year.
Directors are selected based on an informal resolution by the Board of Directors and deliberation at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Audit & Supervisory Board members are selected based on an informal resolution by the Board of Directors and deliberation at the General Meeting of Shareholders, with the consent of the Audit & Supervisory Board.

Officer Composition

As of June 20, 2024

Fiscal year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Number of members of the Board 8 8 8 8 8 8
Number of outside Board members (independent officers) 3 3 3 3 3 3 (37.5%)
Number of female members of the Board 1 1 1 1 1 1 (12.5%)
Number of Audit & Supervisory Board members 4 4 4 4 4 4
Number of outside Audit & Supervisory Board members
(independent officers)
2 2 2 2 2 2 (50.0%)
Number of female Audit & Supervisory Board members 1 1 1 1 1 1 (25.0%)
Percentage of Board members who are also outside officers
(independent officers)
41.6 41.6 41.6 41.6 41.6 41.6
Percentage of female members of the Board 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7
Number of officers * 28 27 25 23 20 20
Percentage of female officers * 7.1 7.4 8.0 8.7 10.0 10.0

* "Officer" refers to members of the Board, Audit & Supervisory Board members, and Senior Executive Officers.

Executive Nomination and Remuneration Council

DENSO has established the Executive Nomination and Remuneration Council to increase fairness and transparency from an impartial standpoint when making important decisions regarding the nomination and remuneration of executives. This committee is chaired by an independent outside Board member, with independent outside Board members constituting the majority of its members.

Composition of the Executive Nomination and Remuneration Council

  • Chair Shigeki Kushida Independent Outside Board Member
    Members Koji Arima Chairman, Representative Member of the Board
    Shinnosuke Hayashi President & CEO, Representative Member of the Board
    Yuko Mitsuya Independent Outside Board Member
    Joseph P. Schmelzeis, Jr. Independent Outside Board Member

    • Composition of the Executive Nomination and Remuneration Council

Senior Management Succession Plan

DENSO regards president & CEO succession planning as one of its most important management tasks. The Executive Nomination and Remuneration Council, of which a majority of the members and the chair are independent outside Board members, leads the search for the next president based on a highly objective and transparent process.
The Executive Nomination and Remuneration Council establishes requirements that reflect the type of senior management sought by DENSO. In searching for an optimal successor, the council conducts ongoing discussions based on a diverse range of information concerning the candidates. Such information is obtained from parties inside and outside the Company and includes past achievements, employment histories, and assessments of suitability for management positions. In addition, for CxO positions and below, DENSO identifies candidates for the succession of key core management posts inside and outside Japan and grooms these candidates from medium- and long-term perspectives.

Succession Planning Process

  • Succession Planning Process

Executive Compensation

DENSO determines executive compensation based on the following basic policy;

  • Achieve medium- to long-term enhancement of corporate value and management from the perspective of shareholders

  • Incentivize eligible members of the Board to enhance business performance by linking the Company’s performance with individual performance

Composition of Remuneration

The compensation system for members of the Board (excluding non-executive members of the Board and outside Board members) at DENSO consists of basic compensation as fixed compensation, as well as bonuses and share-based compensation as performance-linked compensation. Compensation for non-executive members of the Board and outside Board members consists of only basic compensation (fixed amount) from the standpoint of ensuring impartiality.
Compensation for Audit & Supervisory Board members also comprises only basic compensation (fixed amount), in light of their roles and responsibilities as auditors in charge of compliance audits.
The level of compensation for members of the Board and Audit & Supervisory Board members is set at the median level at comparable companies while also referencing levels at major manufacturers of similar scale in similar sectors and business models as DENSO, based on board member compensation survey data compiled by external research institutions each year.

Method for Calculating Performance-Linked Compensation

To establish linkage with corporate performance and to incentivize members of the Board to enhance corporate performance and sustain growth, a performance-linked compensation amount is calculated by reflecting a corporate performance evaluation and an individual performance assessment—which is based on an evaluation of the business results and achievements of the individual and their medium- to long-term initiatives—in a position-specific basic compensation amount. Depending on corporate performance and individual performance, the performance-linked compensation amount fluctuates in a range that is between 0% and 200% of the basic compensation amount.

  • Method for Calculating Performance-Linked Compensation

Corporate Performance Evaluation Indicators

Connected with corporate strategies that are aimed at enhancing DENSO’s corporate value, corporate performance evaluation indicators comprise consolidated operating profit, ROIC, and sustainability score. The score weighting and evaluation method for each evaluation indicator are shown below. Further, targets for each fiscal year, the basis of these evaluations, are set each year based on medium- to long-term objectives.

Evaluation Weights and Methods for Company Performance Indicators
indicator Score Weighting Evaluation Method
Consolidated operating profit 60% Evaluation based on degree of achievement of fiscal year targets while considering impact of external factors like foreign exchange rates
ROIC 20% Evaluation based on degree of achievement of fiscal year targets
Sustainability score 20% Evaluation based on overall achievement of fiscal year targets for addressing the following priority issues in the Company’s sustainability management
Priority issues:
  1. total CO2 emissions

  2. expansion of “green” and “peace of mind” products

  3. employee engagement

  4. ratio of non-Japanese personnel serving as heads of overseas bases

  5. ratio of female managers

Share-Based Compensation

Share-based compensation is paid in the form of restricted shares, and the restriction on transfer is removed when the officer retires, in principle. During the period of restriction on transfer, in the event of a violation of laws and regulations by the officer or for other reasons determined by the Company’s Board of Directors, the Company shall acquire all allotted shares without providing compensation.

Method for Determining Compensation

DENSO has established the Executive Nomination and Remuneration Council, of which a majority of the members and the chair are independent outside Board members, in order to ensure impartiality, fairness, and transparency in Board member compensation.
The Board of Directors has passed a resolution on the total amount of compensation for fiscal 2024, which is within the scope of compensation established by a resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board has also passed a resolution to entrust decisions on individual compensation amounts to the Executive Nomination and Remuneration Council. This council determines individual compensation based on consideration of the officer compensation system, corporate performance, the responsibilities and achievements of the member of the Board, and conformance with the Board-approved policy on determining compensation.
Compensation for Audit & Supervisory Board members is determined through a consensus of members and set within the total amount approved by resolution at the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Establishing and Strengthening Internal Controls

With the aim of fair and efficient business operations, DENSO formulated “the DENSO Basic Policies for Internal Control”. We have stipulated basic policies for control, various rules, and systems in areas that form the basis of our management such as “the Code of Conduct”, management systems, risk management, and compliance.
We make revisions and changes when necessary after undertaking regularly scheduled annual verifications of the status of implementation.

Future Initiatives

To bolster the Board of Directors’ effectiveness, each year DENSO interviews participants, look back on results, and consider plans for improvement. DENSO also surveys each committee and deliberating body, including the Management Deliberation Meeting, asking participants to reflect back on the past year. These surveys provide feedback to the secretariat, which DENSO incorporates into our improvements.
Through ongoing improvements, DENSO will continue working to enhance its corporate governance.

For more information, please refer to the following documents;

Integrated Report;"Corporate Governance"

Corporate Governance Report