
Social Initiatives

Cooperation and working hand-in-hand with many stakeholders while sharing value are indispensable for realizing a sustainable society. DENSO values the relationships it has with all of its stakeholders and is pursuing a variety of sustainability-related efforts while taking stakeholder feedback into consideration.

Stakeholder Engagement

In the pursuit of building a sustainable society, along with clarifying responsibilities to business partners and related stakeholders, we are working toward a management team that values dialogue with all stakeholders in order to avoid engaging solely in activities born of accepted logic and assumptions held within the Company.

Together with Our Customers

DENSO is committed to further advancing a Customer First principle in creating products and after-sales services in order to provide reliable, safe and high-quality products and services that will satisfy customers and earn their trust.

Together with Our Shareholders and Investors

DENSO is enhancing corporate value through stable long-term growth and improving the transparency of management through the timely and appropriate disclosure of business and financial information and dialogues.

Together with Our Suppliers

Based on the principle of open, fair and transparent transactions, DENSO is committed to its open door policy, mutual growth that is based on mutual trust, and permeation of compliance with laws and regulations and confidentiality.

Together with Our Employees

When employees are fulfilled professionally and personally, companies grow. Based on this belief, DENSO is promoting "hitozukuri, or human resource development, development of our organization and the creation of a positive environment."

Together with Local Communities

To become a good corporate citizen, DENSO is promoting initiatives to enhance programs pursued by the entire Group on a voluntary basis and creating an organizational culture that encourages employee participation in society while focusing on the areas that DENSO has identified as priorities, namely, harmony with the environment, ensuring safety and security in local communities and hitozukuri (human resource development).