Quality Control
Basic Stance
Since its founding, the DENSO Group has been dedicated to providing safe, high-quality services that will satisfy customers and earn their trust based on a commitment under the DENSO Group Sustainability Policy. We have designated the thorough implementation of the Quality First principle, the practice of quality assurance from the beginning of production and the promotion of quality control with full employee participation as basic quality assurance policies. We are committed to carrying out the Quality First principle in creating products.
Additionally, based on information collected by sales and technology departments from customers, we are continuously making efforts to ensure that our customers are satisfied with our level of quality.
Reviving “The DENSO of Safety and Quality”:
Addressing the Fuel Pump Recall Issue
The fuel pumps were recalled because of the possibility that they could become inoperative in a worst-case scenario, due to possible deformation of the impeller* (one of the components of the fuel pump) with a lower resin density.
Reflecting on this experience from a quality control perspective, this was a specific quality issue that was caused by specific factors in the manufacturing process of the recalled fuel pumps, where there were complicated interactions between several factors that had never happened before. This issue could not be foreseen with the available technical knowledge at that time, and it took a considerable amount of time to finally identify the root causes.
Subsequently, we have completed technical analysis to identify the root causes and implemented technical countermeasures. We are now making every effort on a Companywide basis to produce and supply replacement parts, in collaboration with relevant suppliers, to ensure that such parts are delivered to all of our customers at the earliest date possible.
* Impeller: A component of the axial fan designed to send fuel outward
To ensure the highest possible quality in the products we deliver worldwide, we take all conceivable precautions and maintain strict daily management in our production process. These include stringent gate management in the development process, quality verification and comprehensive inspections before mass production, and thorough on-site management during the mass production process.
Meanwhile, as a Monozukuri (manufacturing) company, we have continued our operations through technological advancement and contributed to the resolution of social issues while achieving growth in a sustainable manner. Taking on new challenges is indispensable to achieving technological advancement. While pursuing such challenges on an ongoing basis, we strive every day to make improvements so that we can deliver high-quality products that satisfy our customers.
In making these improvements, we mobilized the entire Company to launch the “Reborn21” plan so that we could reflect back on our starting point of “Quality First” to further improve quality. Under this plan, we are making ongoing efforts to enhance awareness, accumulate knowledge, and foster culture, which are all crucial elements of quality assurance.
Regarding awareness, we have been thoroughly entrenching a “customer first” level of awareness. To build unshakable trust-based relationships with customers, we will demonstrate our customer-first approach through the leadership of the management team, including the president, and division heads.
As for knowledge, we have been steadily accumulating fundamental quality-related technologies for our current needs and for the future in an effort to shore up our foundation for quality. Looking ahead, we understand there will be many changes in the operating environment that will impact quality, including rapid software advancements, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), carbon neutrality, and the circular economy.
With culture, we value efforts to foster a corporate culture in which all employees participate and that revolves around the honest exchange of opinions between supervisors and employees so that both parties can understand the real issues at hand and work to tackle them together. Under such a culture, we will strive to promote further collaboration together with labor unions.
Underpinned by this awareness, knowledge, and culture, we have established a Safety and Quality Headquarters, independent from and placed directly under the Company, through which we are striving to enhance quality governance. With the urgent need to strengthen safety and quality countermeasures, we placed a senior director in charge of fundamental quality-related technologies in 2020, who promotes activities aimed at building such technologies on a cross-organizational basis. Additionally, I, as an executive vice president, was given the title of chief quality officer (CQO) in 2022, being placed in charge of promoting quality-related activities from a Companywide perspective.
Reflecting deeply on the first words appearing in the DENSO Creed, “Be trustworthy and responsible,” we will seek to deliver safety and peace of mind to our customers. At the same time, we will make Companywide efforts aimed at meeting global expectations by anticipating future changes and applying proper work practices with a firm awareness of quality as the foundation underpinning our corporate activities and with a sense of integrity as a Monozukuri company. We ask for your continued support as we pursue these endeavors moving forward.
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
Executive Vice President
Chief Quality Officer
Promotion Structure
In order to provide the best products for customers around the world, the DENSO Group has established technical centers in Japan, the United States, Germany, Thailand, China, India, and Brazil. In doing so, the Group has put into place a global structure that allows for product development, quality testing, and quality evaluation to be carried out in accordance with the characteristics of each region.
Furthermore, the DENSO Group has completed the acquisition of IATF 16949 certification, an international standard for quality management systems in the automotive industry.
Quality assurance policies and systems
Specific Initiatives
Reinforcement of Fundamental Quality Technologies
Through our quality control promotion structure, centered on specialists, in each technological field we are working to address the extremely challenging quality-related issues that we currently face. At the same time, we are taking the lead in developing quality-related technologies in our focus fields (automated driving, electrification, carbon neutrality, and fuel cells, etc.) with attention to future changes in the operating environment. By applying such technologies in the development of new products, we are striving to prevent future quality-related issues.
Quality control of new products—Product development that places safety assurance as its top priority
For the quality assurance process of new products, specialized departments such as quality control and production technology are undertaking unified efforts to strictly check quality by visualizing the degree of product completion as well as quality-related risks.
Design departments thoroughly employ safety designs, such as fail-safe designs,*1 and conduct safety evaluations. They also promote system and product design pursuant to ISO 26262 certification for functional safety. Particularly, for the design stage, in order to assure high reliability and durability, we repeatedly conduct in-vehicle testing under a range of conditions such as high-speed driving, rough roads, low temperatures and icing on our test course, as well as various tests in our environmental testing room. In these ways, we carefully verify product quality.
Furthermore, from product planning to production and shipment, functional departments clearly specify operational procedures and responsible departments strictly monitor compliance with applicable laws and regulations in each stage. When launching new products in particular, the responsible departments are required to conduct safety evaluations based on internal regulations and to report on the results of legal compliance checks.
The Nukata Proving Ground (Aichi Prefecture) and the Abashiri Test Center (Hokkaido Prefecture), our in-house test courses, began using evaluation equipment in 2012 in anticipation of the need to evaluate actual vehicles equipped with driver assistance and automated driving technologies, and these two test courses have been refining this equipment each year in line with advances in these technologies.
*1 Fail-safe design: A design philosophy requiring products to be controlled in a safe manner in the event of an accident or erroneous operation
Nukata Proving Ground (Established in 1984) Size: 1,000,000 ㎡
Abashiri Test Center (Established in 2002) Size: 5,500,000 ㎡ (120 times the size of Tokyo Dome)
Quality Improvement Activities Leveraging Vehicle Data—Establishing Foundational Data Analysis Systems
When quality-related issues have arisen in the market, we have conventionally undertaken efforts to research their causes after collecting the defective products, in order to resolve the issues as swiftly as possible. At the moment, however, we are working to establish foundational systems to effectively analyze big data collected from vehicles, such as the driving conditions in the event of a defect as well as information on the surrounding environment and vehicle operational status, before we conduct a product recall. Through such systems, we will be able to automatically visualize and subsequently analyze vehicle control information in a highly effective manner in order to identify the cause of the problem. Going forward, we will strive to apply these foundational systems using AI-based technologies that identify causes of failure and detect signs of failure in advance, thereby further accelerating efforts to address failures and working to prevent them from happening in the first place.
Assessing the Quality Management Practices of Senior Management
At the time of our founding, we decided to compete on the basis of quality based on our assessment of the future trends in each region and market and the industry as a whole. To confirm the status of quality management practices by senior management, in 1960 we began conducting quality control analysis, which continues to be carried out to this day in our business divisions and Group companies in Japan and overseas once every two to three years.
This quality control analysis reviews the quality of our business strategies, systems, products, and services as well as management issues and the policies to address these issues concerning the DENSO Group’s Companywide priority measures. In addition, senior management and the business divisions and Group companies under examination engage in in-depth discussions on workplace culture, which underpins these measures, by conducting on-site diagnosis in an effort to further strengthen governance.
Education, training, and activities to raise awareness
The DENSO Group considers hitozukuri (human resource development) to be the foundation of its business and thus nurtures technical and skilled employees in a systematic and ongoing manner while also handing down the DENSO-style of monozukuri (manufacturing) through hands-on practical education and training.
Main Education Activities
Implementation of position-based educational activities on quality for new employees, second-year employees, and newly appointed division heads and managers
Establishment of the Quality Dojo, which fosters the technical capabilities of quality assurance personnel through practical education and discussions in small groups
Implementation of Monozukuri DNA Training, where employees slated to be seconded overseas gain practical education on the vital points of quality while working on imitation production lines
Adoption of e-learning materials and online training that can be received remotely at Group companies both in Japan and overseas
Promoting Activities to Maintain and Improve Quality Assurance Together with Our Suppliers
To continue to offer products that satisfy its customers, DENSO needs to maintain and improve its quality assurance in collaboration with all suppliers, who provide the Company with production materials from components to raw materials.
As a general prerequisite for entering into a basic business contract with suppliers, we ask that our suppliers promise to promote efforts to maintain and improve their quality assurance practices.
DENSO quality policy is shared and confirmed every year at “Supplier Appreciation Meetings” or other meetings. (Suppliers with direct business relationships will deploy and share information on DENSO’s quality policy and requirements to “Tier N” suppliers with non-contractual relationships.)
At the same time, we provide support to suppliers to help them pursue these endeavors. By doing so, we confirm on an ongoing basis that the products, components, raw materials , and other production materials supplied to us always meet the necessary level of quality.
Examples of Specific Initiatives
Shared quality policies through events such as the Supplier Appreciation Meeting (yearly)
Formulated quality assurance manual for suppliers based on items required under the international quality assurance standard IATF 16949
Had suppliers implement awareness-raising activities through such means as self-inspections based on quality assurance check sheets (once a year) and carried out on-site inspections based on the results of these self-inspections
Established quality targets at suppliers and monitored their results (monthly)
Implemented on-site verification at suppliers for which there were quality-related concerns and thus deemed as targets for priority support and offered advice and support for resolving issues
Future Initiatives
Automated driving (AD), software-defined vehicles (SDVs), where vehicle functions and performance are determined by software, and other related technologies and connected cars, continue s to evolve, but our desire to continue to provide high-quality products, systems, and services that prevent accidents remains unchanged. Moving forward, we will strengthen our future-oriented quality assurance systems and initiatives to continue providing society with high-quality products and services.